Selling Information

Selling Information


Whatever your motive for selling, it’s important to properly prepare your property for sale. This critical element should not be overlooked and is often the difference between getting a regular price or a great price. Preparing your property for sale need not be time consuming or expensive if planned correctly. Five key factors will influence the outcome of any sale, Timing, Presentation, Method of Sale, Marketing and Agent.

All need to be considered when selling, so properly preparing yourself and your property is paramount to a successful sale.


Property Buyers can be found all year round however it is rare that a purchaser for your specific home is waiting for you to put it on the market.

Not all areas experience a 'Spring Boom' in fact some areas perform better in the cooler months, you should contact your Lock Bulmer consultant for specific advice with regard to your property. Typically buyer numbers remain static throughout the year with the only expectations being a drop at Christmas and Easter.

Prior to placing your home on the market, allow yourself time to prepare the home and have your consultant inspect the property prior to booking the marketing material.


Presentation can be the difference between an average price for your home and achieving a result above your expectations. A well-presented exterior will enable your home to stand out above the other’s on the market therefore attract more buyers to it.

Importantly, step back and look at your home from the buyer prospective. Remember buyers will compare your home to others, so it is important that your home provides a positive enriching environment.

Call or email us if you would like a detailed list of presentation suggestions.

Method of Sale

At lock Bulmer we offer Auction, Private Sale and Closing Date Sale programs.

We aim to have our clients feel confident and comfortable with the sales process.

All sale methods are tailored to your needs and those of your property. Our extensive experience and knowledge of the market ensures we are well placed to recommend the method which will give you the best opportunity of maximising your properties sales price.


Lock Bulmer’s highly successful marketing strategies are designed to ensure the greatest number of possible buyers are notified of your sale and are also provided with property details and inspection times along with relevant sale material.

Our marketing materials entice buyers to contact us either by calling, emailing, sms text, attend our open house or visit our office for further information.

Marketing mediums we use include internet, local paper, brochures, signboards, window display, database, social media platforms, newsletters etc…

Our marketing campaigns are tailored to our clients property and budget, we encourage you to contact us to discuss your needs further.

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